Edge of Raw is housed in a beautiful, character-filled building, and they’ve managed to infuse that unique atmosphere inside.

Tour de Nîmes uploaded the most detailed review to date
Feb 23, 2022
Tour de Nîmes uploaded the most detailed review to date
In just a few of weeks from now denim heads from all over the world will start wearing a new pair of jeans! On April 1st the Indigo Invitational will kick off its third edition of the most inclusive fading contest which has been holding the denim scene in its grip since day one. Hundreds, if not thousands, of dedicated denim fans will start to wear a fresh pair of jeans in order to achieve the ‘best’ fades in just 365 days of wear. The first two editions of the contest have already proved that the bar is incredibly high, so we are looking forward to the third iteration of the contest with high expectations!
Tour de Nimes Review
The Indigo Invitational first started in May 2019 and was established by Dave Dickinson and Bryan Szabo. The two wanted to establish an independent fading contest, including all raw jeans, to unite the denim scene, and it quickly saw great success. The contest grew into the largest contest of its type and is commonly embraced by the denim community as well as being supported by many major denim brands. This year promises to have more participants, more sponsors and higher prizes for the winners, so be sure to keep a watchful eye.
A few months ago, the organization behind the Indigo Invitational started a second website, named Tour de Nîmes in order to provide more information about and the background of the brands they appreciate. As we are keen supporters of the Indigo Invitational, Bryan and Dave were eager to review the Realign RLGN-R. After scrutinizing the jeans with surgical precision, including a pre-soak to investigate the shrinkage of the 16 oz. structure selvedge fabric, they wrote a review which turned into a eulogy. We appreciate the time and effort the guys put into the review and we are so happy with the final outcome.
Head over to tourdenimes.com to read the most detailed review of the Realign RLGN-R to date, written by two seasoned denim experts.